Left-to-Right: Laura Nokes Lang, Lynette McClain, Holly Weipz, Aimee Kim, Yonghui McDonald, Cathy Oasheim, Phil Valdez, Mike Goins, and Elizabeth McLaughlin

About Us

Our Mission Statement

Transformation Project Prison Ministry (TPPM) brings hope and encouragement and offers healing to the incarcerated and disadvantaged and to people affected by incarceration by distributing books and media.


TPPM produces, publishes and distributes Maximum Saints books, which are written and illustrated by incarcerated inmates, and other books and media written by other authors. The organization produces and distributes movies, videos, DVDs, tapes and books developed by Christians to encourage and give spiritual support to the incarcerated and to those affected by incarceration such as: (1) families of the incarcerated, (2) those who minister to the incarcerated, and (3) law enforcement officers and staff who serve and are responsible for the incarcerated, homeless and disadvantaged.


TPPM encourages talented inmates to use their gifts "to the maximum" to serve the Lord through their writing and art work, giving spiritual support to others.

TPPM People

TPPM is comprised of volunteers who write, edit, record and edit videos, pack and ship, and give presentations at churches and civic group meetings and on radio. The founder, Chaplain Yonghui McDonald, is on a mission to reach out to 500 churches and is well on her way! Perhaps your church can be included in that list?

In addition to the Denver-area team, we have volunteers in Myanmar, South Korea, Los Angeles, and Chicago. We have books on spirituality, transformation (inmate testimonies), grief and loss, veterans, and a wonderful “Journey With Jesus” series about a young girl’s walk with Christ.

In 2005, Chaplain Yonghui McDonald noticed a lack of inspirational reading material at Adams County Detention Facility in Brighton, Colorado. The problem, as it turned out, was not only a local one. Prayer and inspiration led her to begin writing books (like "Journey with Jesus") and gathering/publishing inmate testimonies to be shared at no cost with prisons, halfway houses, and homeless shelters across the nation. Since then, Transformation Project Prison Ministry has published and distributed numerous books, audio CDs, and DVDs for the benefit of the incarcerated. The major accomplishments of this project: (1) giving voice to the voiceless, allowing the testimonies of the incarcerated to be heard and shared beyond cell walls; and (2) increasing the awareness of God at work in the hearts and minds of the incarcerated in television and radio interviews, local churches, and nationally through the material we distribute free of charge. The material provides the incarcerated with hope, a better understanding of God, and a purpose that benefits themselves and their neighbor. For those not incarcerated, the material also provides a deeper understanding of what God can do, even in the most unexpected of places.

TPPM offers uplifting stories in the "Journey with Jesus" series, parenting, Chaplain journeys, and books by authors with a heart for outreach to inmates, their families, and other individuals in desperate need of hope in Jesus Christ.  To date, we have printed and distributed tens of thousands of books to prisoners in South Korea, Los Angeles, Colorado, Georgia, and more. Many of these books are now available at Amazon.com to help fund the ministry, in English, and often in Korean or Spanish as well. Soon, we will have Hindi, Vietnamese, and even Braille versions of books to distribute. Some inmates have no spiritually nurturing material in their native language: TPPM is meeting the need at home and abroad, Thanks be to God!


Goals & Objectives
1. To maintain momentum and outreach to the incarcerated by producing new material every six months.
2. To increase participation in Prison Ministry among churches and individuals through at least six learning events every year.
3. To be a blessing to more inmates by distributing material to at least five new facilities every year.

Activities Plan
1. Work through the Chaplain's office at Adams County Detention Facility (ACDF) to identify and capture compelling "Maximum Saints" testimonies in art, stories, or music by encouraging inmates to share what God is doing in their lives
2. Solicit donations via the internet, Advance, local church and Conference presentations, so that we can continue to producing and distributing material to those in need
3. Respond to requests for our materials within two weeks, and solicit feedback as appropriate to ensure the need was met.

About the Founder

I will share how God called me to prison ministry and how Transformation Project Prison Ministry (TPPM) book project started in 2005. 

I was born in South Korea and came to the United States in 1979 after I married an American soldier. My husband and I went to Bible college and seminary and we both became United Methodist pastors. My husband was serving the church for 20 years and died in a car accident in 2008. I have been serving God in prison since 1999 and I started serving prisoners at Adams County Detention Facility in Colorado in 2003.

I grew up in a family with an abusive and alcoholic father in South Korea. Because of that my older brother ran away from home at the age of 13, became homeless, got involved with gangs, and was incarcerated 3 times during his teen years. I had faith in God but my older brother didn't. When my brother was incarcerated, I wanted someone to introduce Jesus to him. So that he could find hope, salvation and direction in life. This didn't happen. He still is not a Christian.

When the Lord called me to the ministry, He reminded me of what I wanted when my brother was incarcerated. What I wanted others to do for my brother was what God wanted me to do for the prisoners. That is to go to prisons and share the gospel with the prisoners. Since then the Lord has blessed me with an amazing prison ministry for the last 20 years. I have seen revival among prisoners and experienced many miracles with the TPPM book ministry because the Lord is leading it.

Even though I was blessed with the prison ministry, I struggled a lot. The reason for that is many prisoners in the United States are Christians. Also, many found God while incarcerated. When the prisoners wanted inspirational Christian books to help them grow in faith, we didn’t have enough books. All the books we have are donated but not too many of them are Christian books. That’s why I started TPPM with the help of dedicated friends and it has been a blessing to many prisoners even in other countries. 

We have published many books in South Korea to reach out to prisoners there. We printed many English, Spanish and Korean books in the United States. But this is the first time we are trying to reach out to Japanese prisoners with the translated book.

I pray that the Lord will start revival in prisons in Japan with this book as He has done for me. God called me to the ministry, but I struggled because I didn’t want to go into the ministry. While I was writing the first book of “God Who Is Near (English Title: Journey With Jesus)”, Jesus changed my heart that I made a decision to go into the ministry.

 Thank you and God bless you and your ministry.

In Christ,

Chaplain Yong Hui McDonald

Transformation Project Prison Ministry

Founder and Representative

Phone: 303-919-7492

Email: yonghui.mcdonald@gmail.com

Website: www.tppmonline.org

About The Author

 Yong Hui is the founder and Executive Director of the Transformation Project Prison ministry. She is a United Methodist minister who worked as a prison chaplain for 20 years and as an on-call hospital chaplain for 15 years.

In 2005, she started a non-profit called Transformation Project Prison Ministry(TPPM) which publishes and distributes free books and DVDs in prisons and homeless shelters. Yong Hui is from South Korea but moved to the United States and received theological education in the U.S.. God called Yong Hui to train spiritual leaders and equip them to love God and serve the Lord to the fullest.

She has been teaching “Spiritual Disciplines” and “Inner Healing” seminars to pastors, missionaries, spiritual leaders in different countries with her books: “Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Leadership”, “A Guide to Inner Healing,” “Journey With Jesus”, “Loving God, 100 Daily Meditations and Prayer”, and other books. She is the author of many books related to spiritual discipline, spiritual growth, inner healing, how to listen to God’s voice, and spiritual warfare which is translated into many different languages.

You can go to the following website to download free book files: 

Website: independent.academia.edu/YongHuiMcDonald

The following website is for Spiritual Disciplines for Christian Leadership free book files:

website: dryonghuimcdonald.pubcitepro.com

Also, you can watch Yong Hui’s “Inner Healing Seminar” presentation and listen to her audio books from the following youtube: yong hui mcdonald youtube (English), 내적치유 가이드 강의 이영희 목사 (Korean)

This is the Korean translation.


이영희 목사는 변화 프로젝트 교도소 문서 선교의 창설자이며 총 책임자이다.   이영희 목사는 미연합감리교회 목사로 미국 콜로라도 주에서 15년 동안 병원 목사로 섬겼으며 20년 동안 교도소 목사로 사역하였다. 그녀는 2005년에 변화 프로젝트 교도소 문서 선교 (Transformation Project Prison Ministry) 라는 비영리 단체를 설립하여 신앙 서적과 DVD를 교도소와 노숙자 보호소에 무료로 배포하고 있다.

한국에서 성장한 이영희 목사는 미국으로 이주하여 그곳에서 신학 학사, 목회학 석사과정과 박사 과정을 마쳤다. 그녀는 영적 리더들을 양성하라는 하나님은 부르심에 힘입어 하나님을 사랑하고 예수님을 전적으로 따르는 헌신된 리더들을 양성하고자 그들을 훈련하는 일에 매진하고 있다. 그녀의 저서로는 『영성 훈련』, 『내적치유 가이드』, 『예수님과 걷는 길』, 『네가지 음성』, 『하나님 사랑합니다 100일 묵상과 기도』외에 다수의 신앙 서적이 있다.

이영희 목사는 그 중 내적 치유가이드를 교재로 편집하여 여러 나라에 흩어져 계신 사역자분들의 영성 훈련을 위한 세미나를 개최하고 있다. 더불어 영적 훈련, 영적 전쟁, 영적 성장, 내적 치유, 하나님의 음성을 듣는 법 등을 다루고 있는 그녀의 저서는 여러 나라 언어로 번역이 되어 하나님 나라를 확장하는데 쓰임 받고 있다.

현재 그녀는 영적 지도자들을 훈련시키라고 하신 주님의 말씀을 순종하기 위해서 아이티의 임마오 대학교에서 신학생들을 쥼으로 영성 훈련을 가르치는 인턴쉽 사역을 시작했다. 그리고 주님의 인도하심으로 복음을 효과적으로 전하기위해서 여러권의 아이티 책을 출판하려고 준비하고 있다. 주님께서 500 교회를 방문하여 교도소에서 일어나고 있는 영적부흥을 전하라고 하셔서 여러 교회들을 계속 방문하고 있다.

다음은 이영희 목사의 교도소 문서 선교 책들을 무료로 다운로드 받을 수 있는 웹사이트이다


다음은 영성 훈련 책들을 무료로 다운로드 받을 수 있는 웹사이트이다. 

website: dryonghuimcdonald.pubcitepro.com


이영희 목사의 내적 치유 가이드 비디오 강의와 오디오 북들은 유튭에 실려있다.

유튭에 다음을 타이핑하면 내적 치유 가이드 한국어 강의와 영어 강의를 모두 시청할 수 있다.

yong hui mcdonald youtube (English),

내적치유 가이드 강의 이영희 목사 (Korean)

Click Here for Bio in Japanese
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